Saturday 15th June 2024

Barren County Schools post letter to BC families




Glasgow, Ky. – On Wednesday, Barren County Schools Superintendent, Bo Matthews published a letter online to Barren County Families.

Matthews shared how much he appreciated the “positive energy displayed by so many of our students” during the first two weeks of school. He also stated how thankful he is for the teachers and staff their dedication to “meet the needs of each learner.” He is also thankful for the “patience and support of our parents”.

The school board is “well aware of the divisive nature of this [masking] issue in the community”, said Matthews. “Please know that the commission to protect the health and safety of over 5,300 children and 1000 adults in the midst of a pandemic weighs heavily on us, and the acrid divisions in our community and country make that burden even heavier.”

Matthews said, “We are required to follow the Kentucky Board of Education regulation requiring masking in schools.”

“Masking cuts our quarantine numbers in half as it allows us, in most cases, to only quarantine those who were within three feet of a positive case rather than everyone in a six foot radius”, stated Matthews.

In closing Matthews said, “Barren County Schools continues to work closely with the Barren River District Health Department to conduct contact tracing and appreciates the communication we have with our families in situations involving exposure outside of school.”
