The county Parks and Recreation committee met to discuss what was left to do at Jackie Browning Park on Nov. 18. Michael Crimmins/Glasgow News 1
Glasgow News 1
With a few exceptions, Jackie Browning’s renovations are complete.
The idea of making “significant improvements” to the county’s park was first discussed at a Parks and Recreation committee meeting in June 2023 and some of the bids were publicized that October.
Barren County Judge-Executive Jamie Bewley Byrd said the renovations that are encompassed in the $2 million bond are mostly done, save for a few small things like heating units in the restrooms, but suggested a few extra renovations outside the project.
Namely, the Parks and Recreation committee looked at bids for three scorekeeper buildings, backstops and netting. The totals were $70,125, $66,000 and $141,000, respectively.
All three bids were approved at the most recent Barren County Fiscal Court with Magistrate Tim Coomer dissenting on all three and fellow Magistrate Derek Pedigo joining his nay vote on the scorekeeper booths.
Parks and Recreation Director Chris Jennings said the park would be ready for spring league.